Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 3 home

Well I have been home 3 days now. The weather is scortching.. The first day, I never left the house for anything, trying to sort things out and get caught up on blogging and emails and posts on facebook.. Don't forget to add me to facebook if you want to see any of the pics..
Yesterday, I ran around town, paying this and that on the old credit card for the last time. I also had to go do a live interview with Dave Hay on the radio station, so while I was there, I decided to advertise for my Barbershop, as it is almost non existant. If you care to listen to our local station here it is.

Thanks Michael, Sunflower, and Vi and who ever else called in. Thinks are just a little sad around here right now, but i am sure after I get things sorted out it will all change. I have been getting lots of requests on the RLAP but I am not ready yet.. I have to sort that out too, it will come.. Just taking a break now and waiting to see what happens. I'm looking into a web page to at least get started with the sales of the dvd's and pro guaurds to protect your chrome if it dumps.
Whilst I am sitting there waiting for the clients I used to have, I will be watching RLAP over and over and over again, and then getting out there preparing myself.
Today I am going to insure my own bike, I really have missed the Queen. There is a gal I met on the Conga that lives in Campbelll River, that I am trying to hook up with. Haven't seen hide nor hair of the Vgirl, she is probably resting up.
Last night was very enjoyable, I knew there was a 394 SCRC RIDE last night, and I new they were heading up my way, so I toodled off and met up with them. There must have been 30 bikes, it was really nice to get out and ride.
Whelp...I'm off to spend some more money I don't have...toodles!!

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