Thursday, May 28, 2009

Post Falls to Levenworth

Each day, I think there wont be much to write about and I will get an easy night of remembering what went on.. Wrong!! It was just anothe awesome day... Our destination was Shumate HD... in Spokane. They were just great, very friendly and love hearing the story of the conga. They donated a ball cap with my favorite bling skull on it.. omg...HTBD.. Flo might have to make a donation to get this lovely cap. Also they gave us a nice leather hip purse. A real nice friendly place to shop so don't forget to check it out if you are in Spokane.
Okay I have to say my brothers are really good sports. As you will see in the pics if you go to face book, they are really getting into the Pink!!! I usually post every day, but it is hard as facebook is sometimes slow or I dont have time.
Any way, the more time that goes by, the more everyone gets into the pink thing and almost every stop along the way someone has a story to tell us about someone going through Breast Cancer. We were off to meet Bee and Bri from Kerameous B.C. Sure was great to see them there parked at the side of the road filming us coming into WILBUR!! OMG... BigE has a new knick name.....Wilbur, when you see him in the pics, you will know why... He totally looks like a Wilbur...Nerdy pink hair.. Then of course Blingo is wearing the pink mohawk.. Anything for my sister they say.. It has been a hilarious day.. It also didn't take long before we were throwing pink on 3wheel/Brian and Bee.. We took alot of clips so I hope they turn out!!
The next destination was to go to Legend of HD in Wenatchee. They were awesome too and had great big hot dogs and drinks waiting for us. Very sociable and caring. We all stood around and told stories of the Conga. They gave us a gift wall plaque of the heritage collection to auction off.
Karen from Wenatchee, our new biker friend was there. It was so great meeting her and she is a totally awesome chick. She aced her course and now has her endorsement. If anyone living in Wenatchee is reading this let me know, and I can hook you up. She is looking for an inexpensive bike to get some experience on and most of all someone to get out there riding with her. You will just love her. She hung around all afternoon, and got the feeling what biker camaraderie is like.
I bought her a little angel bell to hang on her first bike and to take care of her.. I told her all about WWR and she has confessed that she is a regular lurker on there. I told her to stop lurking and start posting and get used to all the wonderful women who ride, and share and support and are there for you in what ever situation in life you are in.. Her name is Hummingbird and you can be sure, that I will get her posting.. Don't want her to miss out!!!
After we left the dealership we only had about 20 miles to get our next destination which is our hotel.. Park these bad boys and unwind and undress... The weather is fricking HOT!!! I am not complaining, just stating a fact. I need to take some layers off as did everyone else.
We get in and I try to blog and then Brenda and Ron show up. A couple from Port Orchard who we met on VILR while back and they have the next couple of days all laid out to show us some good riding around here.
As we can't go through customs until Monday, they will actually be with us until Sunday. They have planned an awesome route and then a barbecue at their house on Saturday. They also have some more riders coming out.
Also Linda Kinney also got hold of us and will be joining us possibly on Sunday. I have never met this woman, but she has been trying to hook up and will be riding all the way to Campbell River where I live. How cool is that?? She has family there so who knows I will maybe have a new friend pop in once in awhile in CR,
I have been missing Doc and Motorman lots these days.. I tried to call a couple days ago and there was no service with my dang phone.. I hate phones, any way, I was really happy to talk to my mentors today.. As usual, the Motorman is brutal with me... in a veery naaice way!!! That is between him and I... and it looks like me and Louise might be seeing each other way before the next Conga...Whoo hoo.
I f forgot to mention, the news media will be at the next HD.. which I think is tomorrow.. Damn, I sure don't know what I would do without all my friends. Half the time I don't know where I am going, or who I am going with..
I am only a couple days from home now and it is all starting to affect me.. The excitement, the sadness, the memories, the media, the worries of what lays ahead, both with RLAP, the barbershop, family, my man, his father, is not well, my friends. This is the first day I sat and had a little cry... I guess you could say reality sucks sometimes..I feel trouble free on the road and the ride is almost done. I didn't think things were affecting me.. but I guess they finally are. I am not sure what lies ahead. This too shall pass, I just have to think positive and positive things will happen.
I am a little worried about Vgirls bike. I know nothing about how bikes run, only how to ride them and lets just say, there is always room from improvement. She is having trouble keeping oil in her bike and the hotel here where we are staying took good care of her. They ordered what she needed and would not take any money from her. I know she feels bad, but we all take good care of each other, so everything will be fine.
It is getting late and it has taken me

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